By Silvia Uribe
In the midst of celebrating the Holidays, it seems that we,
the people, are oblivious to the financial/political reality that we face as a
country. We hear about the financial troubles, we are sort of aware of the
risks to come, but for now, we don’t want to think about the possibility of our
country falling into a second recession. However, the possibility seems
inevitable, especially if we consider that as of now, we are already being
strangled with a 2% increase in our taxes. Why? Because Washington didn’t come to a rational
agreement on time. Whose fault is this?
As a country, we’ve been fighting the fight, a big one, all
over the world, against terrorists and terrorism. We have spent trillions of
dollars in such a quest. But, how is it that Congress is holding us
hostage to their political interests, their lack of vision, and of their
ineptitude altogether?
Our representatives’ tantrums are tiring, insulting, and
dangerous for our county. Most of the time, they behave like capricious infants
- when they don’t like the game that’s being played, they want to take the ball
go home -. As citizens of this country we should hold these career politicians
accountable for their actions. We are only a few days from another financial debacle, and they don't do their job. Meanwhile the whole country nail-biting, and waiting on them!
The President is doing what he can to avoid serious
financial consequences for 99% of Americans, while the Speaker of the House
shows his party servitude to interests that are not the majority’s. Among the
people, there is an overwhelming feeling of lack of control, and hopelessness.
Congress' careless attitude makes us wonder why, if we are going after terrorists all over the world, we let our
government terrorize us with their indolence toward the majority, and their
less than stellar performance while doing their job?
In the meantime, those inept representatives are indulging
in their libation of power – as intoxicating as the strongest drug – and
trusting that for them, not facing the average Joe’s problems, next year will
be a good one. What about us? They should realize that they’re stretching us too thin.
The people of this country are hard working individuals. We
do our part. We are not a mass of 300 million people living in the United States .
Each one of us is a human being with dreams and hopes for a better future for
our families. Our country is strong due to the individual effort of each one of
us. We deserve from the people we elect to represent us to be responsive to us.
Our representatives are not there to rule, but to make sure
that the needs and wants of the people are met.
Through our world history, we know that indolent governments
and financially oppressed societies make a very dangerous combination. Our
country has always striven on giving its people the chance to do well during
their productive years, so that they can enjoy life in their retirement. All of
us, citizens of this country, expect to savor the fruit of our hard work. It
is only fair that we are granted the chance to do it.
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